Pre-Nursery | Out and About

Our Pre-Nursery class has welcomed seven new Caterpillars this month. They are adjusting to the school environment, learning to follow routine and making new friends. This month, we have been focusing on the Out and About topic of study. We are learning about community places and their workers. Our students have role-played being doctors, firefighters, librarians and police officers.


During Book Week and the exploration of the Mr Men and Little Miss stories, our class focused on the bright and cheerful Little Miss Sunshine. The students showed a great comprehension of the story and were able to recall some details and answer concept check questions. The children enjoyed colouring the book’s characters and making artworks. They also dressed up in great costumes! We saw Mr Bump, Mr Strong, Little Miss Giggles and Little Miss Sunshine in class. The Pre-Nursery class was also treated to very special story telling by the K2 and K3 students.


The Caterpillars love going to the supermarket, so we role-played shopping at the supermarket, getting groceries and paying for it at the cashier. Students also sorted healthy and unhealthy food. They made grocery bags artworks and glued their favourite food on it.


Ms Slava and Ms Louise


Our Pre-Nursery students have had a fantastic start to Term 3, by making new friends and learning new things through lots of fun, play-based activities. Our new students have settled into the class routines very well.


This month, they have been exploring the theme Out and About.  The students have been visiting the supermarket, the beach, and the park. They have also been shopping and learnt about different kinds of common food.


One of the highlights this month was celebrating Book Week, and having K3 students reading Mr Men and Little Miss stories our Pre-Nursery class.  


Huang Lao-shi (Ms Tracy)


K1 | Transportation


Playgroup | Transportation