Playgroup | Introducing Numbers


Happy Chinese New Year!


This February, our playgroup students have been learning all about numbers!


In BookStart, we have been reading One Mole Digging a Hole, where students were introduced to numbers 1 to 10 through different garden animals. We also created art projects based on the book and created number shaped animals like the mole, snake, bear and fox.

在BookStart中,我們正在閱讀《One Mole Digging a Hole》,通過不同的園林動物向學生介紹數字1至10。我們還根據該書創造了藝術作品,並製作了數字形狀的動物,例如:鼠、蛇、熊和狐狸。

Playgroup students have been counting different objects like ping pong balls, buttons, cones, rings and more! It’s a fun and interactive way to introduce numeracy to our early learners. The forming of numbers was also introduced in our class through painting; each child had an opportunity to stamp paint on an outline of a number so the number would be revealed!


In Sensory Play, students explored numbers through various textures and activities like counting the jewels in the water and digging through the soft flour to find buttons! The students find sensory play soothing and regulating. They enjoy water play and using fun tools like tongs, spoons and nets.


We welcomed new friends to our class too! This new dynamic has been great for our new and existing students as they can practise their social and interactions skills. We explored pretend play during circle time and the students enjoyed identifying other children’s emotions. Our new favourite song is This Is The Way, which has been added to emphasise our morning routine and hygiene. We pretend play with toothbrushes and stuffed animals. It is also a fantastic way to revise the previously learned vocabulary during the body parts theme. Well done Playgroup students!

我們歡迎新朋友加入我們的班級,孩子們有更多機會提高社交能力,這對我們現在的學生來說真是太棒了。我們在圍圈學習時間中通過扮演遊戲來識別其他孩子的情緒。我還新增了《 This is the way》這首歌,以強調我們早上的學習常規和衛生習慣的重要性,孩子們都很喜歡呢。我們通過使用牙刷和毛絨玩具來玩扮演遊戲。這是絕佳方法來重溫以前學習過的內容,比如:身體部位的主題。 遊戲班的孩子們你們真棒!

Ms Louise


Pre-Nursery | Chinese New Year & Up in the Sky


February 2021