Why our families love Mills 為甚麼選擇苗士? 


The early years are the most influential in a child’s life. It’s when children begin to express their personalities and develop a natural curiosity in the world around them. These years are a crucial time of extraordinary cognitive, physical, emotional, and social growth. Maximising children’s learning experiences during their early years is the best investment we can make in ensuring their future well-being and success.

We believe that children develop an enthusiasm for learning when they are taught through a variety of fun, stimulating, and developmentally appropriate activities. We know that they learn best when given support and granted space for creativity. This is why we place equal focus on music, drama, art and sports, as well as language, communication, numeracy and science. We understand the importance of providing a safe, secure and nurturing environment, and qualified teachers who want the best for each and every child. Mills students are encouraged to play, imagine, cooperate with others, lead and follow. At Mills, we go beyond teaching academic skills. We sow the seeds of socialisation, friendship, self-confidence, teamwork, respect, and gratitude.

We value close ties between child, family and school, and encourage parental involvement in our Mills community. Establishing trust between parents and teachers, and maintaining open lines of communication are an important part of our partnering process.

We look forward to your child joining Mills and working with you as we guide and encourage them on their road to learning.

幼兒時期是人類發展的最重要階段 - 在這個時期,孩子們開始展現他們的性格,以及對周邊的事物產生好奇,是發展認知能力、體能、情感和社交的重要階段。在幼兒時期給予孩子們最多的學習體驗,絕對是對他們未來的成長及成就最好的投資。 






We started Mills because co-curricular arts wasn’t enough. I started Kids’ Gallery in 1996 when my daughter Natasha got in trouble for painting an elephant orange instead of grey. I wanted my kids to be able to come to a place where freedom of expression wasn’t just encouraged but rewarded. From the time my daughters were two and four, they spent everyday after school taking arts classes in painting, drama, singing, and even computer science at Kids’ Gallery.

In 2013, my daughters were 18 and 22, but kids across Hong Kong were still experiencing the same level of rigidity in school settings. Coming to an arts class once or twice a week having spent five long days studying in a non-creative environment wasn’t enough. So we decided to channel all our resources from Kids’ Gallery, Face Productions, and Star English — all educational arms of the KG Group — into a preschool. Hong Kong children would finally be able to become completely immersed in creative education.

Six years on, Mills now nurtures creative, curious, and confident young minds by integrating the best of Kids’ Gallery, Face Productions, and Star English curriculum and resources with the academically rigorous UK Early Years Framework, and introducing important character building skills through the scientifically acclaimed mindfulness programme, MindUP.

We’re realising our vision of creating a world of bright young minds that are unafraid to think laterally, dive into problems courageously, and communicate confidently. Come be part of it.

我們成立苗士的原因很簡單,就是想提供更好的藝術課程。我的女兒 Natasha小時候因為大象塗上橙色而被老師責備,而我希望我的孩子能夠在一個鼓勵自由表達意見的地方成長,這啟發了我在1996年開始 Kids’ Gallery。我兩個女兒從2歲及4歲開始,每天放學後都會到 Kids’ Gallery 參加繪畫、戲劇、唱歌和電腦班。 

在2013年,我的女兒分別是18歲及22歲。香港當時學校的教學方式仍然很死板,她們每星期花五天在不鼓勵創意的環境中學習,然後只能參與一、兩堂藝術課。對於香港學生的發展,是完全不足夠的。所以我們決定用上 KG Group 的 Kids’ Gallery、 Face Productions 以及 Star English 的所有資源,建立一所幼稚園,讓香港的孩子終於能夠接受創意教育。 

六年過去,苗士透過結合 Kids’ Gallery、 Face Productions和Star English最好的課程和資源,以及英國幼兒教育的框架,培育有創意、好奇心及自信的小朋友。 我們同時使用受認可的認知計劃-MindUP來培養不同的性格的孩子。


— Joanna Hotung 何苗春暉
Founder of the KG Group KG Group創辦人
Mills International School Supervisor 苗士國際幼稚園校監