February 2021


Dear parents,


A very warm welcome back to all our children and parents! Our school is full of life, laughter, and learning again – and we are excited to be back on campus as we continue to work with families on creating engaging and rigorous early learning experiences for all our students.


Our Chinese New Year celebration set the tone for all of the possibilities ahead of us. Full of fun, laughter, singing, dancing, speeches, student interaction – and even a virtual feast – we were able to strengthen and maintain our connections. These connections can now flourish as we have the children back in classrooms full of enthusiasm and eagerness to learn across all of our curriculum areas.


The seven areas of learning for the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) are:


  • personal, social, and emotional development 個人、團體發展、情緒發展

  • communication and language 溝通及語言發展

  • physical development 體能發展

  • literacy 讀寫能力

  • mathematics 數學發展

  • understanding the world 了解周圍的世界

  • expressive arts and design 表達藝術與設計 

At Mills, we attach equal importance to all of these and explore them all in both English and Mandarin, with the addition of the exclusive MindUP curriculum to enhance children’s self-awareness and concentration. While children have not physically been at school, they may have missed out on some of these areas, especially physical development, personal, social and emotional development, and communication and language, and we are now ensuring that all age groups can catch up across all areas.


Thank you for completing the parent questionnaires. They are very helpful in guiding us as to your personal experiences over the past months and how we can best support your children going forward. We are always happy to discuss individual issues with parents, so please feel free to contact me or your child’s teacher directly.

另外,感謝家長完成了問卷調查。在過去的幾個月裡,你們的想法和感受對我們學校有很大的指導作用,是推動孩子向前發展的動力 。我們總是很樂意與家長討論和分享,歡迎你們繼續與我和老師直接聯繫。   

For K2 and K3 students, please continue to reach out to us if you would like advice or further support on the primary school admissions process. Our K3 class, while fully preparing students to enter local primary schools, is also accredited as equivalent to Year 1 at international school. This may be useful for parents whose future plans may be uncertain or who wish their children to remain at Mills for another year before moving on to their next school.


We look forward to seeing you at Mills.


Warmest regards,
Ms Joanna


Playgroup | Introducing Numbers


K3 | My Material World