Pre-Nursery | Noisy – Crash Bang Boom

We’ve had a phenomenal amount of fun in Pre-Nursery this month! We delved deeper into music and different musical instruments during our theme Noisy – Crash Bang Boom. When the children heard music, they instantly stood up and danced. Some students would ask “can we sing I Am the Music Man song?” It was the hit of the month. The children got to explore more musical instruments and played the guitar, drums and shakers. They’ve also made music notes artworks by painting it and decorating with different materials.

本月我們與學前班學生度過了一段非凡的時光。我們繼續《聲音》這學習主題,深入研究了音樂和樂器。當孩子們聽到音樂時,他們會瞬間想站起來跳舞。在音樂和運動的時候,有的同學會問:「我們可以唱《我是音樂人》嗎?」這是本月的熱門話題。 孩子們開始探索更多的樂器,彈奏吉他、鼓和搖鈴。他們還通過繪畫和用不同的材料裝飾來製作音符藝術品。

We’ve celebrated Helper Appreciation Month and made handprint cards with photos of our caretakers. We hope that our helpers know how truly appreciated they are.


We have also celebrated Dragon Boat festival and made beautiful boats with our families. The children kept singing Row row row your dragon boat and enjoyed learning about the festival. Pre-Nursery students also hit the stage and sang songs using their self-made microphones while others listened to music using their headphones.


We ended our term by making cards for Father’s Day and celebrating the last day of school. It was filled with so much fun, smiles and hugs. We will miss our students a lot and wish them all the best in the future.


Ms Slava and Ms Louise


Time flies and it’s time to say goodbye to our Pre-Nursery students. It feels like only yesterday that the students first came to school with tears, but would follow the teachers when we sang and danced; but now, they’ve blossomed into independent young learners!


For our final theme of the year, Noisy – Crash, Bang, Boom, Pre-Nursery students have been exploring different musical instruments. Their favourite instruments were drums, maracas and hand bells. They created a mini orchestra and played music together. As they are now familiar with the school environment, teachers and peers, they sang really loudly. Some of them even suggested their favourite songs to their teachers! 


Not only did the students participate more in class activities, but they also interacted more with their peers during free play. They learnt to take turns and share toys with each other.


I wish you all good luck for the next academic year. We hope you continue to enjoy lots of fun learning and make more new friends! We thank each of our parents for your support and entrusting your child to our care.


Ms Tracy (Huang Lao-shi)


K1 | A Long Time Ago


Playgroup | Yummy Food and Healthy Fruits