Pre-Nursery | Chinese New Year & Up in the Sky


Our little Caterpillars started their month by learning about Chinese New Year and the different traditions families have. We made themed artworks, coloured oxen and stuck coins onto red packets. Our students love to sing and dance, so we learnt different Chinese New Year-themed songs and performed them together. We all had a great time at our virtual celebration and the highlight was practising some Kung Fu moves with Bao Bao, the panda, and having a feast with our teachers and classmates.


We continued learning about all the things we see Up in the Sky, with a focus on weather.


During our online learning, we watched a weather report and our friend Daisy the Duck traveling around the world and reporting extreme weather conditions. The students made rainy day and rainbow artworks. Our students also learned about shadows and even tried making shadow puppets themselves.


We were so pleased to welcome the students back on campus! They had so much fun exploring the Wonder Room and playing on the climbing frame. A highlight of on campus learning was using the parachute in the Star Room. We lifted it up and down and ran under it before the parachute would hit the ground. We also spent lots of time dancing and playing musical instruments.

我們很高興並歡迎學生回到校園!他們在探索Wonder Room並在攀爬架上玩耍時非常開心。校園學習中的一大亮點是在Star Room中使用降落傘。在降落傘降落之前,我們將它上下抬起並在下面跑過去。我們還花了很多時間跳舞和彈奏樂器呢!

Ms Slava and Ms Louise


During the theme Chinese New Year, Pre-Nursery students explored this special festival through storytelling and game activities.


The students returned on campus after the holidays. They were so excited to physically meet their teachers and friends. In addition to singing, dancing and listening to stories, the students enjoyed free play with their peers the most.


They continued exploring the theme Up in the Sky and learnt about more objects – airplane, balloon, and hot air balloon. During the online lessons, the students showed their toy airplanes and shared their favorite colour and styles of balloon.


 Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


K1 | Chinese New Year & Jobs People Do


Playgroup | Introducing Numbers