June 2021

Dear parents,


We ended the year on a high – with bright, happy children loving school and having achieved so much in their learning, development, and social skills. And what a year it has been! We all deserve to take a big breath and look back on how much we have accomplished together as a community.


I mentioned in my graduation speech to our K2 and K3 parents that in the future, our children will look back on 2020-2021 and remember the pandemic as the time they were at kindergarten. We hope this isn’t the only reason they remember Mills International Preschool – but we are certainly living through memorable times. I’m proud of the children’s resilience and very positive attitude to the ups and downs of their schooling over the past year. They will be all the stronger for it.

我在給低班和高班家長的畢業演講中提到:我們的孩子在回顧 2020-2021 年時,會記住他們在幼兒園時所經歷的大流行病。我們希望這不是他們記住苗士國際幼兒園的唯一原因,但我們肯定很難忘記的這特殊的一年。我為孩子們在過去一年對學校教育起起落落的適應力和積極向上的態度感到十分自豪。我相信他們會因此變得更加強大。 

Congratulations to our K2 and K3 graduates who are moving on to new primary schools. These students exemplify our core values of developing creativity, confidence, and curiosity in children, and their future is full of promise. We wish them every success and hope that they will come back and visit us often.

讓我們一起祝賀即將進入下一個學習階段或者小學的 低班 和 高班 畢業生。從這些孩子身上,我看到了我們學校的核心價值:他們充滿創造力、自信心和好奇心!我們對他們的未來充滿希望。祝他們一切順利,並希望他們經常回來探訪我們。  

To the Pre-Nursery, K1, and K2 families who are returning to Mills for the next academic year, and the new families who are joining us, we look forward to more engaged learning, exciting experiences, and close collaboration in your children’s education.


I would like to thank the dedicated teaching team at Mills and our hardworking administrative and support staff – all of whom get to know every single child individually. We also thank all our parents for your positive support and partnership. We wish you a wonderful summer!

最後,我要感謝敬業的教學團隊以及我們辛勤工作的行政和支持我們工作的所有員工—他們了解每個孩子的需要。我們也感謝所有父母的積極支持和真誠的合作。 祝你們度過一個美好的夏天!

Warmest regards,  
Joanna Hotung  
School Supervisor 


Playgroup | Yummy Food and Healthy Fruits


Pre-Nursery | Out and About + Noisy – Crash Bang Boom