Our Advisory Council


Joanna Hotung

Ms Joanna Hotung is the Founder of the KG Group. She has a BA degree from the University of London and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Warwick. As a Licentiate of Trinity College London, she is also a qualified performing arts teacher. After a career in management consultancy at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, in 1996, she founded Kids’ Gallery, a children’s arts organisation, inspired by her own love of the arts, her children, and a desire to see them express themselves through the arts and enjoy a more well-rounded education. The KG Group now includes the original Kids’ Gallery concept, as well as Star English and Face Productions and has a presence across Hong Kong and Asia. Over 60,000 students have been trained at one of the group’s centres, and many alumni are now studying at prestigious universities or working in a wide range of fields internationally. Joanna is also Chairperson of the Hong Kong Juvenile Diabetes Association, a Board Governor of Bring Me A Book and the Hong Kong Ballet, and Committee Member of Playright Children’s Play Association.

Sherry Lu Xiaohui

Ms Sherry Lu graduated from Nanjing University, majoring in languages including English and French. She worked in Shanghai, London, and Hong Kong in the marketing and communications industry, and specialised in global trade and business development. After becoming a mother, she has most recently been studying children’s behaviour, psychology, and early education. Now focusing on the promotion of positive parenting concepts, she has a particular interest in the research and sharing of parent-child reading and the design of reading and writing enhancement teaching programmes. She was previously Executive Director of the Feng Zikai Children’s Book Award, the first international Chinese picture book award whose aim is to develop talent to create and publish high-quality children’s books and enhance public attention and understanding of children’s picture books in Chinese.

Dr Victor Lai Ming Hoi

Dr Victor Lai is an Associate Professor at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University. He obtained his BEd degree with first class honours at the University of Liverpool, earned an MA in painting at the Royal College of Arts, and a PhD at Lancaster University. He has won numerous awards, scholarships, and fellowships from international organisations, is the Expert Advisor of the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the external examiner and advisor for several tertiary institutions. Among other roles, Victor was previously the Head of Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education of the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) and has held leadership roles at the Hong Kong Art Development Council and the Hong Kong Society for Education in Art. He was a member of the assessment panel for the Arts Education Key Learning Area of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teacher Excellence. Victor is also a practising artist and has shown his work in more than 50 local and international group exhibitions.

Dr Joseph Pang

Dr Joseph Pang is a prominent Hong Kong paediatrician. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, before returning to work in Hong Kong at the Paediatric Unit, Caritas Medical Centre in the mid-1980s. Soon after, he achieved Membership at the Royal College of Physicians (UK) in Paediatrics. In the early 1990s, he started his private specialist practice as a paediatrician in Hong Kong. His daily work includes neonatology and a wide range of general paediatric problems. He is an Honorary Consultant of Paediatrics at the Hong Kong Sanatorium Hospital, Happy Valley. He works closely with his two associate paediatricians, Dr Steve T K Wong and Dr Sergio Don Koo.